I have signed up to receive updates from several blogs of woman that really encourage my heart... I received an email update from one of them today, who completely resonated with my heart regarding, "Tearing down the Impossibles in YOUR life!" Click here to read the post and visit her blog!
SO... as I read what she wrote today, I could relate in SO many ways.
I can not even tell you how glad I am that for one time/journey/situation in my life - I DID NOT allow the dream to be silenced.
There were many times/ways/people/things that attempted to silence it. SOME didn't even know they were attempting to silence it... some KNEW! There were days that it all looked so impossible that it was OVERWHELMING!
The silencing was attempted from the VERY beginning.... and continues EVEN today. There are always going to be people who are just going to be negative and tear you down with words, looks, comments, or with their absence of words, looks, or comments.
As I've also mentioned before about Faith and Grace really teaching me/us so much - this has never been more true than when looking at this journey from this angle. I have learned SO SO much during this journey, and I've grown in ways that humble and amaze even me. BUT, there are times that I still fight against the voices/things/feelings who try to silence it.
I have seen God move in ways that are unbelievable... in fact, some think/believe that it wasn't even God who did this very thing in my life... some think it was just part of the big plan of life and regardless of a God being there or not - it would have happened if it was 'meant' to be.
Thus attempting to "silence the dream!"
I could give you specific examples of things that happened, things that didn't happen, family members who hurt us, friends who deserted us, and close family and friends who just ignored us and walked away.
PLEASE today... consider these words and know that they were for you! Find the possible inside the impossible... It's RIGHT there! I know some of you are struggling with things/people/ situations who are silencing you.... PLEASE focus on the possible that is right inside the impossible. BE encouraged today... have FAITH and trust that God never calls us to do anything that he's not already equipped us with the ability to do!
I have to leave you with the last portion of Lysa's blog post:
"Oh how impossibility loves to scream into gaps of silenced dreams.
But here’s the thing about impossible- there is some part of what we’re attempting that isn’t impossible.
All impossibilities have a weak spot.
And that’s the exact place where we must attack.
A book might seem impossible. But that’s not where writers should start anyhow. There’s an article that could be written. Or in today’s world a tweet that could be crafted. Or a blog posted.
Write there. In the weak spot of impossibility.
Maybe it’s your marriage that seems impossible. Go against the grain of your hurt feelings and silent brush-offs. Think on just one thing you do love about that man of yours today. Send him a text about how much you appreciate that one thing. Praise him for that one thing. Tell someone else about that one thing you noticed today.
Start there. In the weak spot of impossibility.
I don’t know what impossibility you might be facing today.
But remember- all impossibilities have a weak spot. It’s there. Ask God to show you where it is. Ask God for just enough strength to attack there. Tear it down one good decision at a time.
And soon you will see, inside every impossible is the word “possible”… if only we dare to see it."
Taken from Lysa TerKeurst's Blog - www.lysaterkeurst.com